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Bad Ice Cream

Bad Ice CreamPlay Bad ice cream free online game on frivcom new Bad ice cream is a game that many people love that need to be beautified. It has an icy platform with various fresh fruits and it’s a game that you can play alone or in company of a friend. The idea is picking up the fruits before your enemies spot you. You are allowed to change the shape of the ice blocks or create new ones. The Bad ice cream game allows using imagination as you play your game. The game comes with different levels, that come with a variety of challenges, and you can be sure to have fun. Play several times and you find easier. The Bad ice cream game came to frivcom friv games from the site that everyone knows. One of the popular free online games site today, and now you can enjoy from all friv games also here, on the new fun place. Now what you need to do to start the game Bad ice cream, is to choose how you play alone or with a friend. The game is more fun with two players.
